Magical ceremonies of language
Healing, binding and thinking through words
short essay for Kunstlicht,
"Spellbound: Magic and Spiritual Rituals",
vol. 42 no. 1-2.
3023 words
18220 characters
115 sentences
18 paragraphs
34 footnotes
11 min reading time
Magic is a form of cosmology, a way of ordering the world. But this reality-system
escapes the straightforward logic of productivity. Magic and rituals have healing features
and act as a form of therapy for individuals and communities, both from an existential point of view and from a metaphysical one. This is because they break a state of paralysis while focusing on the possibility of action and change. Therefore, magical words
are a form of resistance to the contemporary hegemonic epistemology, a language
of insubordination. Moreover, I will analyse the specific possibility of magic as a literature genre and its intersection with poetry. Both do not say something but are something, since poetic and magical practices focus more in the form than in descriptive meaning
or content. While they resist clarity and transparency, they open up a space to the vastness of the unknown.